5 Candidates Vie To Deliver Digital Certificate Solutions To Luxembourg

GovTech Lab Luxembourg has retained five candidates following its “Trust my data” innovation partnership call for solutions to emphasize de digitalisation of public services.

Photo: Pexels

The “Trust my data” call for solutions was first published on the government public procurement portal on 21 July, 2021. It sought to provide solutions for the digitisation and secure exchange of State-certified data, so that the State can issue a digital attestation in addition to physical and PDF documents. These digital attestations will present data in a structured format that can be automatically read and verified in real time without contacting the issuer. The call focused on a verifiable digital residency attestation for citizens, but the expectation is that the final concept will be extended to other documents.

The shortlist for the prototyping phase includes two Luxembourg collaborations: Compellio, Infrachain asbl, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and Talao. This French-Luxembourgish partnership, combining Compellio’s blockchain-based applications to public institutions with Talao’s self-sovereign identity (SSI) Wallet, a digital model that replicates identity management in real life through a smartphone application.

Sicpa (Spain) and InCert GIE form the second Luxembourg collaboration, playing on Sicpa’s expertise as proven in its digital seal technology, Certus, which enables document issuers like government bodies to issue tamper-proof certificates and documents. InCert, focuses on national cyber security and cases requiring confidence, security, authenticity and traceability related to identity management and digital certificates.

The collaborations will compete alongside InfoCert SpA, an Italian digital trust service provider active in research and innovation, Procivis AG, a Swiss firm specialised in eGovernment as a service and Walt.id, an Austrian operator whose toolbox includes the digitisation of paper credentials and automation of data provision across a range of use cases.

It marks the second challenge from GovTech Lab, which is a joint initiative of the Ministry for Digitalisation and the Government IT Centre. This staten innovation laboratory aims to accelerate the digitization of public services and to improve the quality of public sector services to citizens and businesses.

To succeed it which collaborates with works with internal and external actors to develop innovative solutions, both technological and conceptual.

The next stage of the “Trust my data” tender selection process will be a Demo Day on 15 December 2021 during which the candidates will pitch and present their prototype to the jury. The winner of the Demo Day will then enter the next phase where it will be ask to to deliver a proof of concept, which can be purchased and deployed, if selected.

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