9th Edition of Startup Weekend Luxembourg

Three questions for Charles Büchler, Communication & Community Coordinator of Startup Weekend Luxembourg. The ninth annual event will take place on November 24-26 at Technoport.
What is special about this edition?

Startup Weekend Luxembourg is currently reinventing itself in the way it operates. The long-time organizers have opened up to new people and decided to move away from just organizing two events per year. The new goal is to maintain momentum between events by organizing meetups to keep the community alive and inviting the winning teams to follow-up events at the national or international level. That’s why we also partner with other chapters like Startup Weekend Saarbrücken and Nancy to expand the network.

Right now, the meetups focus on preparing participants for the next event in November. During the ninth edition, we will also plan the tenth and potentially select a unique location.

“Startup Weekend is the fastest way to get your business and entrepreneurship skills up to par while also learning a ton.”

What are the latest success stories?

Since these events launched back in 2012, each edition has had around 65 participants and produced 10 ideas (so roughly 80 in total). Some of the startups that came out of previous editions and are still in business are Largowind and continuousphp.

Why should I participate in a Startup Weekend?

For many, I’d say that Startup Weekend is the fastest way to get your business and entrepreneurship skills up to par while also learning a ton. It’s a practice in execution. Ideas are nothing; the execution of ideas means so much more. You will meet great people during the weekend (maybe your potential cofounder). This is a life-changing experience for many. Additionally, get real feedback on your idea from seasoned professionals.

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