APS Enlarged Its Offer With Two New Products

The Luxembourg based startup, APS, has developed two new products, using fingerprint sensor technology, with the same goal as with its innovative payment card, offer the most secured technology for their clients. We met with Andy Kim, Sales and Marketing Manager, and Jean-Luc Guisset, Director of Sales, engineering, at the startup’s offices located in Technoport, Foetz.
Innovative and secure technology

The story of APS started 3 years ago. The founder, Kevin Lee, got introduced Technoport as a Fintech company by the Luxembourg embassy in Japan. The startup started first to develop a payment card to ensure an innovative, safe and compatible method to ensure security of card payment in the future. “Because it is a pure banking product, Luxembourg was the perfect place to install our headquarter here and spread our product into Europe ” explained Andy Kim.

The development of the product is done by APS subsidiary in Korea, called APS ICT Co.,LTD. “Targeting the Asian market, we now have a distributor in Japan. We also have a representative office in Vietnam” said Jean-Luc Guisset.

The APS credit and debit card’ strength lies in the possibility to activate it remotely, hence, when a card is not in use, all card holder information such as card number, name, expiration date, and CVC/CVV does not appear on the screen. It is also quite unique in its display. “This product is our main focus. Development and certification of this type of product always require a lot of time. Many banks in the world would like to get it already ” added Jean-Luc.

Stone M
Fingerprint sensor technology

APS Team is launching two new products this year: Safe M and Stone M, using both the fingerprint sensor technology. “With this technology, and the fact that they are not banking product, we are able to come quicker on the market” explained Andy.

Safe M is a secure USB stick. “Your data can only be used with an activation on the USB stick using your fingerprints. The technology only recognizes real finger, a copy of fingerprint does not work which is more secure that what some of our competitors propose” confirms the manager.

Product is currently on sale on Amazon UK and Korea. “We target B2B and B2C. This is a high-end product dedicated to anyone in need of a secure product” said Andy.

Good news, the USB Stick is compatible on any computer as well as on Android phone!

An entry into the cryptocurrency world

The second product, Stone M, is a next generation cold wallet for cryptocurrencies, which has a screen and a fingerprint sensor. Only the genuine holder can access and protect its important crypto assets.

Our cold wallet has enabled the card holder to make instant and secure transactions through exchanges
around the world.

“Our card targets customers dealing with cryptocurrencies on exchange markets” said Andy. “We are targeting a launch in June this year for Japan and EU, with a first availability on Amazon to see the market interest for this product” continued Jean-Luc.

Hundreds of cryptocurrency tokens are supported by this technology (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, …). “By the time of the launch, we intend to have most major cryptocurrency exchanges. By enlarging our offer, product will meet any customer expectation ” confirmed Andy.

On top of these two products, further products will be developed using fingerprint sensor. “Fingerprint is key for us and differentiate us on the market” concluded the team.

Safe M
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