Artificial Intelligence: Education As A Lever For Inclusion

Marina Andrieu, founder of WIDE ANDCO (Women in Digital Empowerment), explores the crucial role women play in the field of artificial intelligence, shedding light on the essential role of education as a major catalyst to ensure balanced representation of women in the development and application of this revolutionary technology.

How can artificial intelligence contribute to creating fair opportunities for women in various fields in Luxembourg, both professionally and personally?

This is indeed the challenge. Currently, AI is expanding and continues to perpetuate existing discriminations as many jobs traditionally held by women are now threatened by increasingly efficient chatbots and virtual assistants. Sectors such as customer service and administration are particularly affected. The opportunity behind this reality lies in the potential to train and empower women, expanding their skill sets and possibilities by enabling them to leverage these new technologies and optimizing their time and productivity.

What measures can be taken to ensure adequate representation of women in the development and application of artificial intelligence?

First and foremost, it is essential to promote the education and training of women in AI-related fields from the early stages of their academic and professional journeys. This can be achieved by further developing inclusive education programs and offering ongoing training opportunities focused on AI.

Creating a pipeline to have more women and girls in IT fields is crucial. Additionally, breaking stereotypes is important. It is essential to foster an inclusive and equitable environment in the AI industry by encouraging diversity in development and research teams. This can be achieved by implementing recruitment and promotion policies that support gender equality, offering mentorship and networking opportunities, and raising awareness of gender issues in the field of AI. For example, the joint campaign by the University and MEGA as part of “Women & Girls in Science” is interesting as it highlights individuals working in technology and artificial intelligence in Luxembourg. Finally, it is crucial to actively encourage women’s participation in decision-making processes related to AI, ensuring their representation in advisory committees, boards of directors, and governance bodies of companies and organizations involved in the development and application of AI.

“The integration of artificial intelligence into areas that particularly affect women and girls raises several essential ethical considerations.”

Marina Andrieu, founder of WIDE ANDCO

What are the essential ethical considerations to take into account when integrating artificial intelligence into areas particularly affecting women and girls?

The integration of artificial intelligence into areas that particularly affect women and girls raises several essential ethical considerations. Firstly, it is crucial to ensure that AI algorithms and models do not reproduce existing gender biases or stereotypes and are designed to promote gender equality and avoid any form of discrimination. Additionally, it is important to respect the privacy and confidentiality of women’s and girls’ data, ensuring that sensitive information is not exploited or misused.

What programs or initiatives does WIDE ANDCO implement to encourage women’s participation in the field of artificial intelligence?

We had the pleasure of supporting the University of Luxembourg Competence Centre last year by organizing conferences and workshops around the MOOC “Elements of AI”. This will be the case again this year. And as AI does not stop at the borders of Luxembourg, we believe it is essential to collaborate with other partners, especially at the European level. In this regard, we actively participate in two initiatives, among others:

WIDE ANDCO is therefore aware of these issues, which we closely follow to better advise the female entrepreneurs and project bearers we meet.

Sponsor’s note: A big thank you to you, Mrs. Andrieu, for these insights into gender balance in the technological revolution. And if this has piqued your interest and you want to learn more about AI: Elements of AI is a series of free online courses on artificial intelligence (AI) created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki, supplemented by researchers from the University of Luxembourg and national experts in digital skills. Join this fascinating MOOC on what AI really is, the opportunities it offers us, and how it will affect us in the years to come. Enjoy a personalized journey with interactive webinars and targeted working groups led by experts. Visit Elements of AI website for more information.

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