Finally, Startup Luxembourg

With fast growth comes the expectation of visibility. Luxembourg’s startup ecosystem deserves recognition, as do each of its players. The challenge is to diffuse information about local players internally and about the hub internationally. Luxinnovation’s Jonas Mercier is suiting up with Startup Luxembourg to tackle this challenge.
by: Jonas Mercier (Luxinnovation)
photo: Luxinnovation

Startup Luxembourg’s message illustrates the best of what Luxembourg has to offer. Across multiple social media channels and websites, Startup Luxembourg seeks to emphasize…

Access to the network. Luxembourg’s small size gives way to significant public-private exchange. If you attend events regularly, you can very easily meet the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister. On top of that, you can speak with key influencers creating legislature, including regulations relevant to your domain. In addition, startups and corporates can easily contact one another, and investors are never far away.

Abundance of support. Not only is Luxembourg small, but it’s also centralized. Throughout the capital and surrounding region, startups have access to a number of support systems, including incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces, financial and legal advisors, idea-proofers, challengers, startup advisors and more. And this at almost every level of growth!

A digital vision. The Luxembourg government has a history of successful pivots. First was steel, then came telecommunications, then finance and now digitalization. This is good news for corporates and startups alike. With an economy centered around digital, we will likely see more initiatives and tech-friendly policies that encourage and support collaboration between large companies and small. Each state in the US can be called a laboratory of democracy, as policies tested in each serve as reference points. Luxembourg is well-positioned to be just that at the European level.

Location. Yep—you shouldn’t underestimate the advantage Luxembourg has in being at the center of Europe. It’s an ideal launch pad both for expanding into Europe and for growing natively. Luxembourg offers ease of travel to all major European hubs, a highly multilingual and multicultural environment that fuels quick expansion, and expertise in the financial sector!

With an abundance of targeted content, Startup Luxembourg aims to become the point of reference for understanding the startup ecosystem and these four critical points.

Expect to see all things startups with the hashtag #startupluxembourg going forward.

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