Five Simple Tips For Better SEO

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SEO – or search engine optimization – is the process of improving your website to increase its visibility when people search for your products or services in search engines like Google and Bing. Your business’ pages are more likely to receive attention and attract prospective and existing customers if they are visible in search results.

Bots are used by search engines to examine the web and collect information about each page available. They then store that information in an index. A bot can pull up a book from the index (or a web page) to help you find what you’re looking for. After this, algorithms analyze the pages, taking into account hundreds of different ranking factors and signals, to determine the order in which pages should appear in search results. The bot is like the world’s best librarian who knows every book in the library and can tell you which one has the answers to your questions.

To get the best results as a business, it is crucial to be found on search engines by the right keyword. The top result on Google has a 33% chance of getting clicked, and 75% of people won’t even click on the second page of the search results.

Improve your SEO with these tips

Make sure your page loads fast

Slow loading time is a guaranteed killer for SEO ranking, and in addition, 80% of the people do not return to a page that loads too slow. And when talking about slow, it is crucial to keep in mind that a page loading for more than three seconds is considered slow.

To optimize the loading time, check your plugins and theme, and if these won’t help, consider changing your hosting provider.

Provide relevant content

It is often said that content is king, and that is true when it comes to SEO. If your website hasn’t had new content since it was built, your SEO ranking is probably pretty low. An important thing to take into consideration is the so-called dwell time which relates to how much time people spend on the website per visit. You want people to click to your page, and then spend time there.

Blogging is a good option for content to get people engaged. By blogging, you can talk about relevant topics and by using relevant content keywords, your content will rise while using different search phrases.

Use videos

Videos on the website? Yes, please! Search engines appreciate when people stay on the website, and how to get people to stay on the website? By providing them content they want to consume, and people today prefer videos. For instance, 68% of consumers would prefer to watch a video that explains how to solace a product related problem.

Optimize your site for mobile devices

More and more people use mobile devices to scroll through web pages. In fact, over 60% of Google searches come from mobile devices. To make sure the users can consume the content on your page, optimize the site to work well on mobile.

For better SEO ranking, make sure your page doesn’t have broken links. Use various different types of link types, including links between your own pages and links to your page from your social media accounts and posts. Try to get your page (for example, blogs) featured or used as a source for other people’s content. When they link your page, you get referral traffic, which again boosts your SEO ranking.

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