Geek Week Luxembourg: Develop Your Technology Skills

Wow! What a week! What a series of events! Geek Week Luxembourg just started on Monday and encourages people to develop their technology skills through a full week of workshops and meetup events with a dozen of partners: Technoport, Fab Lab Luxembourg, Startup Grind Luxembourg, Level2, Geek Girls Carrots Luxembourg and many more. We asked the organizers why they decided to set up that full week of event and what is the purpose of it.

You organize Geek Week Luxembourg, what is the purpose of this event?

Geek Week Luxembourg is a not for profit initiative which hopes to inspire people to approach the technology world and participate in it.

This is more than a single event, it’s a full week of multiple events, why?

Luxembourg hosts many differing strands of technology; we hope through promoting different events to reach a wide audience and entice as many people as possible to take an active interest in technology.

As there is a lot of events happening in Luxembourg every month related to technology and IT we decided to provide a platform to people that serves them a selection of events happening during this particular week. There will be also posts on our blog about events taking place during Geek Week Luxembourg as well as workshop, meetups organizers and their teams. Including decision makers and influencers that organize these events and make things happen in Luxembourg. The idea came from pervious events we organized, co-organized and attended. We had lots of feedback from people that they find it challenging at times to find events before they took place. During Geek Week Luxembourg we will promote all events taking place during that week that are featured on our website on our social media channels.

We also believe this initiative will help put Luxembourg on the global spotlight with all innovation and creativity that is going on here in technology and ICT sector. We are also very excited about makerspaces project as well as Digital Strategy (4) education presented during ICT Spring.

What will be the main topics tackled?

During the week there will be coding, wearable technology, 3D printing and “design thinking” workshops, an Open House at FabLab, technology talks and networking events with the week culminating with a “Start-up Weekend” at Technoport.

Until now we have 16 events featured on our website and  they all vary. They cover various technology and IT related topics. From Introduction to coding on building your website (Workshop4me), you can also try coding with Coder Dojo where 12 to 18 years old are getting into programming “age is given here as an indication so when in doubt: Please drop by”. There will be SWIFT for beginners in mobile app development (by Steve Clement at Level2). We also have meetups and talks by Entrepreneurs (Geek Girls Carrots Luxembourg) and Business Angel (Startup Grind Luxembourg).

There will also be a 3D printing workshop “On this day you will see how to get from Zero to Actually printing your first 3D Model” that will take place at Level2.

We also featured Open Access Day at Fab Lab Luxembourg, that is happening each Thursday at Fab Lab which is located on top floors in Technoport (Esch-Belval).
there will also be a Bloggers_lu monthly meeting at Cathy Goedert in Luxembourg Ville. This event is open to non-bloggers as well and it’s a great opportunity to get to know the local blogging community. For more details and registration links head to our website:

What do you think about the ICT sector in Luxembourg and the startups in particular?

Luxembourg has clearly put down a marker indicating its desire to be a major player in the ICT sector worldwide. The number of large global companies with operations in Luxembourg stands as testament to this. The start-up scene in Luxembourg has grown quickly in recent years and shows no sign of slowing down

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