Get Your Covid-19 Certificate On Your Smartphone’s Digital Wallet

Do you keep forgetting your Covid-19 vaccination pass? With Thibault Milan’s new tool, you can easily and securely store your vaccination and test certificate on your phone’s digital wallet.

During last year’s lockdown, many people were too preoccupied with adjusting to a new reality to be very productive. However, Thibault Milan, innovation evangelist and developer, saw it as a great opportunity to develop his coding skills and build some new apps to fit the demands of these new times.

When Covid-19 first hit and all the venues were adapting to the new regulations, Thibault was frustrated by how difficult it was to find information one which venues were open and which weren’t. In response to this, he decided to build an app which would crowdsource all the available information about venues and centralise it in one place.

As the year went on, Thibault ran into to other Covid-19 related problems. Motivated by the success of his first app, he continued creating new solutions – for free – all of which can be found on his website.

When people finally started getting vaccinated in the past months, Thibault ran into his biggest frustration so far. There was no easy, secure and accessible way to store your vaccination certificate.

“The first time I received my Covid-19 vaccine confirmation it was one a sheet of paper that said digital certificate. There were no apps to store it and I was very frustrated because I know I always forget paper documents. Since I always have my phone with me, I decided I would find a way to digitalise the certificate and add it to my wallet.”

Keeping your data safe

What would have been impossible for most of us, was merely “a good challenge” for Thibault. After learning a bit about the structure of QR codes and tinkering around with the code, Thibault finally succeeded in building a tool that could be easily accessed by everyone.

Fully aware of people’s “app fatigue”, Thibault’s main goal was to keep the tool as simple and secure as possible. That’s why instead of creating another app to add to your overcrowded phone, he created a simple web tool which had to be accessed only once.

All you need to import your test or vaccine certificate to your phone’s wallet is a downloaded or paper version of it. Then, all it takes is a single click on Thibault’s web tool which imports your certificate to your wallet and that’s it.

Best of all, the deceptively simple tool collects none of your data and shares it with no third parties. Not convinced? You can read the source code on his Github page which is fully transparent.

So far, Thibault’s tool has received 34k unique visitors and created nearly 15k Covid-19 passes. What are you waiting for? Get yours today.

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