How Can I Market And Advertise My Startup With A Limited Budget?

You are about to launch your startup. For many of you it is the project of a lifetime. Getting the word out about your new startup can be tricky and expensive. Nevertheless, it is an essential part of doing business and necessary for accelerating growth. Here are our 10 recommendations to approach this subject matter in the best way possible.
(Author: Aurélien Bourdaa. Aurélien Bourdaa is Managing Director at myAgency, a digital marketing agency specialiazed in SEO strategy, content marketing, web design, to name a few. / Featured Image: Wesson Wang)
  1. Nurture your identity

Your visual identity is key to your brand. Your logo should be simple, unique and memorable. Its shape and color should make sense for your brand. It must be functional and therefore adjusted easily for all kinds of media. Creating your logo it is not as easy at it seems it would be. In short, do not neglect your image and ask a pro to help you design and create your logo.

  1. Define your position

Analyze your market, to define a position in line with the expectations of your target, taking into account your main competitors. Your position must match the DNA of your startup and the spirit of the founders.

  1. Evaluate your objectives

Before you embark on a campaign, it is essential to articulate your communication objectives. Here are some questions to ask beforehand: Why market the product/service? Who should know me? How can I retain my customer base? How can I develop partnerships? Adapt the campaign language for each objective.

  1. Segment your target

Having identified your goals, you now know who you should contact! Segment further using different factors such as age, sex, occupation, socio-economic geographic area, behavior, values, type of media consumption… Pull out from these categories the three most important and number them as the heart of the target market, primary target, and secondary target.

  1. Think mobile

Your website is the digital platform on which you will build your image. Today, on average, eight out of ten people are getting information on the web before making a purchasing decision (source: Retailing Today). Therefore, it must be accessible and adaptable for different kinds of media (this is known as responsive design) such as phones, tablets, etc. The mobile sector is growing… with mobile we get information instantly, even on the go!

  1. Don’t rush

The launch is a key moment in the communication strategy of a startup. It is better to wait some time after launch before starting to advertise the product. This period will allow the startup to be sure of its product or service and be able to increase returns on advertising.

  1. Work on your content

Before knocking on the door of the press, you must decide how you want to present your startup. Select the important elements and eliminate any that will interfere with the message you want to communicate. You need to make sure that the message that you want to communicate effectively reaches your target market, even when the product or service offered is highly innovative or novel and is difficult to explain.

  1. Select the correct channels

You must balance between your tight budget and the need to be visible. Make an inventory of tools available to you: public relations, social media, events, street marketing, SEA, SEO, Display, trade media, blogs, brand content, print… A good understanding and use of digital channels can cost little and be highly effective.

  1. Think of SEO

Write relevant content about your business, services, benefits, etc. Post about your services to your digital communication media channels. This will give you web visibility.

  1. Plan a budget

Do not underestimate the importance of planning a budget for marketing and advertising. It should be considered from the time you start preparing your business plan. The budget obviously depends on the industry and target audience. Keep in mind that even the best product or service will have no impact if no one knows about it.

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