How To Manage The Business Risks Of Teleworking

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Technology Partner’s SaaS supports Pulse Remote in its hybrid work management.

Founded in 2018, Technology Partner specializes in project development, consulting and business process automation. Its business model is simple: provide its customers with real business added value – but also societal, human and environmental – via solutions that focus in particular on well-being at work and efficiency. The company carries out its entire IT project for them in its own premises.

Technology Partner also aims to develop strong partnerships with its customers, based on support, listening and advice.

RH Solution as a Service

Launched in 2020, Pulse Remote specializes in hybrid work management. In 2021, its Founder Geoffrey Arend set himself the challenge of simplifying the management and monitoring of teleworking. He then contacted Technology Partner, which offered him a dedicated cloud application.

“Teleworking offers employees a better life balance. But if it is not respected or controlled, it can put the company and its employees at risk,” he explains. “The idea was to have a tool that simplifies the monitoring of staff’s flexible work and streamlines its human, social and fiscal management, while remaining compliant to legal obligations, and bringing cost savings. “

Julien Galego, IT engineer at Technology Partner, developed the HR application in SaaS mode: “Following a joint reflection with Geoffrey, we proposed additional functionalities for managing teleworking, leave and user data. All brought together on the same cloud platform,” he explains.

Added value, efficiency, relief

Pulse Remote quickly offered the solution to its customers, including Technology Partner. Both partners are currently working on an app with a geolocation and IP address verification system. It will help cross-border workers to prove their presence at their Luxembourg place of work, in the event of an audit by the tax authorities of their country of residence. While in beta test, the solution is already operational.

“Our goal is to relieve the managers of SME – who bear several hats including that of HR – by saving them time,” says Julien Galego. “Our solutions add value and efficiency to our customers. They eliminate or simplify unnecessary administrative tasks and allow employees to refocus on their core business.”

“Data analysis and tax-impacts monitoring is made easy”

Value Partners employs 130 people, spread over four sites and teleworking. In 2022, we implemented Pulse Remote, a solution developed by Technology Partner, to manage our hybrid working model. Pulse Remote helps us manage office occupancy, remote work arrangements and flex-office space. It improves collaboration within our teams by bringing visibility and allows our employees to take advantage of all the benefits we offer in terms of flexibility, while reducing the administrative burden.” – Antonello Caggiano, Head of IT, Value Partners group.

This article was first published in the Silicon Luxembourg magazine. Get your copy.

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