Innovation Studio Warrigal Launches Solidarity Platform For Entrepreneurs Kyosai

Local entrepreneurs are rapidly innovating in these unprecedented times. Johnny Lagneau and the Warrigal team have just developed a platform for bringing together companies, startups and freelancers in record time. Let’s learn about this platform and how it aims ot encourage solidarity.
by: Charles-Louis Machuron
photo: Samantha Garrote from Pexels

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What is Kyosai?

Kyosai is a platform for networking and support between companies and startups/freelancers/SMEs.

Why did you launch the platform?

I noticed that solidarity movements were growing and I saw that the vast majority of entrepreneurs around me would have to stop working as soon as they finished their current contracts. For some, this is a short period of time but for others the impact will be less noticeable. It is precisely the vision for taking this budding solidarity further that led me to come up wtih this platform.

What is the objective of this platform?

To promote entrepreneurial solidarity. I really wish that all entrepreneurs who can get through this crisis without having to give up their dreams. There are startups in our ecosystem that don’t have customers yet or are in the process of signing customers up and are suddenly seeing their sales come to a standstill. I just think it’s very unfair that good business disappear purely because of bad luck.

Who can advertise?

Any business owner who wants to set up a call for projects.

Who can offer a service?

All freelancers, managers of small businesses, startups who have the necessary skills can offer their sevices using this platform.

What are the first features underway?

I am in the process of updating the service to offer a form that will allow us to collect requests more easily. I am also in the process of translating the platform to allow English speakers to benefit from the platform.

A Facebook group also exists and allows entrepreneurs to share their feedback with the administrations of their countries, share documents from the internet on the different procedures collected and also freely discuss their feelings and needs.

I really hope that we can all come out of this crisis in good health and end up keeping our jobs.

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