Last Call For Founder Institute Luxembourg’s Second Season

The call for applications for the second session closes in a few days. Whether you’re an emerging entrepreneur or an early-stage founder, there’s still time to apply and benefit through the Founder Institute’s network. Here’s our interview with Matteo Ressa, Director at FI.
by: Charles-Louis Machuron
photo: Founder Institute
featured: FI’s program attendees

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Tell us about FI.

Founder Institute is a pre-seed investment Accelerator helping those who want to turn their idea, prototype or early company into a sucessful business. This is done by working with peers, completing course assignments and learning from a structured course with milestones based on their own business idea. Many of the mistakes that can cost time, money or motivation are avoided this way.

What are the success stories from the first session?

From the first session, everyone who took part left in a better place from which to fulfil their goals either in their startup or working with someone else. All have validated their product market fit, incorporated their business, have a website and know their target client base. Highlights include one company that will be at the CES 2020 in Las Vegas meeting potential US investors and clients. Another company will launch their travel app at the 2020 World Expo in Dubai.

What do you expect from the second session?

The second session already has applicants from diverse fields with great ideas in sustainability, AgriTech, fashion, travel & hospitality and self-development.

“Nearly all of the programs that exist in Luxembourg are for developed companies.”

Why should startups apply?

Founders should apply to take the test to see if they have the entrepreneurial spirit. Successful completion of the program will enable startups to confidently launch their businesses or apply for other programs.

What are the benefits for the startups?

Startups will improve their ability to pitch ideas to clients and investors and their network will significantly grow. This will help them avoid many of the pitfalls of starting a new business venture.

What makes you different from other support programs?

The Founder Institute is the only program of this kind in Luxembourg that helps early-stage founders. Nearly all of the programs that exist in Luxembourg are for developed companies.

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