Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub Joins New Cross-Border Digital Cooperation

Arnaud Lambert, Director of the Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub (Photo © Marion Dessard / Luxinnovation)

The Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub (L-DIH) joins forces with 4 digital innovation hubs of the Greater Region to build a common ecosystem dedicated to the digitalization of companies.

5 digital innovation hubs of the Greater Region have signed a joint declaration aiming to “strengthen structural cross-border cooperation in the field of business digitalization and to build a solid ecosystem common to all partners based on complementarity and mutual benefits,” says the Luxembourg Ministry of Economy in a recent press release.

L-DIH (Luxembourg), WalHub (Belgium), EDIH BIR-MZ-KL (Germany), IDIH-Saarland (Germany) and EDIH Grand Est (France) are all candidates for the future European eDIH network, to be launched in 2022.

Initiated by the European Commission through the Digital Europe program, EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hubs) aims to establish a network of over 200 hubs, working together and actively interacting to support the digital and sustainable transition of the European economy and society.

“The digital innovation hubs initiative is European.”

Franz Fayot

200 European Hubs

These one-stop shops will help companies to respond dynamically to digital challenges, while improving their business and production processes, products or services, using digital technologies and with the aim of becoming more competitive.

They will also provide innovation services (financing advice, training, skills development, etc.) necessary for a successful digital transformation.

These European digital innovation hubs will have both local and European functions. The list of 200 hubs will be drawn from the clusters designated by the member states. eDIH will be launched in 2022.

“The digital innovation hubs initiative is European. Therefore, cross-border cooperation and the search for complementary expertise are essential, especially within the Greater Region,” says the Luxembourg Minister of Economic Affairs. “It is clearly at this level that Luxembourg has a role to play, both in promoting the sharing of experiences and in defining the common services to be put in place.”

Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub, is a national initiative based on a European strategy, that supports companies, researchers and public authorities on new technologies. It also connects industry needs to solution providers.

In October and November 2020, the L-DIH organized its “DIH ON TOUR” together Luxinnovation and FEDIL, an initiative to promote digital transformation and Industry 4.0 among Luxembourgish manufacturing and industrial companies.

A bus fitted as a classroom met with entrepreneurs in 12 industrial zones over the country : Lentzweiler, Wiltz, Friedhaff, Réiden, Bissen, Echternach, Potaschberg, Contern, Windhof, Ellange, Differdange and Belval.

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