Pitch Your PropTech At The BeLux Pitch Day

The event will give both Belgian and Luxembourgish players an opportunity to get an overview of the innovations in the respective countries (Photo © Unsplash)

Join LuxPropTech and PropTech Lab’s Pitch Day on February 15 and get in touch with compatible corporates.

Shortly after the announcement of their merger, LuxPropTech and PropTech Lab are already making good on their promise of helping the region’s PropTech sector move forward.

On February 15th, both organisations are hosting the BeLux PropTech Pitch Day during which PropTechs and Corporates will have the opportunity to listen to the most innovative Luxembourgish and Belgian PropTechs.

Split into five categories: Invest & Finance, Design & Built, Market & Transact, Manage & Operate and Live & Work, the PropTechs are active in all asset classes. These include: Residential, Office, Retail, Industry & Logistics, Hospitality, Healthcare and Infrastructure.

Already representing a total of 99 corporates, 154 PropTech startups and scaleups, 17 VCs and 17 service providers, both organisations are bound to attract some interesting PropTechs.

The event is open to members only. Pitches will take 3 minutes each, after which two minutes will be given for questions or remarks. The event will give both Belgian and Luxembourgish players an opportunity to get an overview of the innovations in the respective countries.

If one of the solutions fits your business, LuxPropTech and PropTech Lab will be more than happy to connect you with one another. Interested pitchers can apply at the following link.

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