Startups Incubator Technoport Enters PayPal Startup Blueprint Program

PayPal, the well-known online payment gateway, is supporting the Luxembourg-based startup ecosystem through a partnership with Technoport, the startups incubator based in Esch-sur-Alzette. We asked Diego De Biasio, CEO of Technoport, to give details of the PayPal Startup Blueprint program and the benefits the startups will get from now.

What is the PayPal Startup Blueprint program about ?

The PayPal Startup Blueprint program from PayPal is a global program where they partners with top tier startups incubators, accelerators and VCs. It aims to provide innovative startups with payment transaction capabilities as they expand and grow.

What are the advantages for the Technoport-based startups?

They are multiple. Technoport-based startups will get during 18 months after subscription transaction fees waived up to 50.000 USD from PayPal and up to 100.000 USD of total payments volume from Braintree, a full-stack payments platform that makes it easy to accept payments in your app or website. On top of that they will also get top-notch dedicated customer service and ongoing mentorship with thought leaders and PayPal Developer Relations teams. We are really looking forward to see this program implemented in some of our companies – the first one, TaDaweb already applied last week.

How have you been elected into this program?

One of our contacts within PayPal put us in touch with their dedicated team for Startups, Accelerators and VCs. We then had a skype call with them to get to know each other and to explain who we are and how we select and support our companies. We also gave them further details about some of our facts and figures over the last years of activities so that they could see the major evolutions. A few weeks later we got the official e-mail with the partnership agreement to sign. They were very enthusiastic in discussing ways of how they could contribute in supporting the Luxembourg-based startup ecosystem. I’m pretty sure we will be able to do further activities with them which will go beyond the PayPal Startup Blueprint program – this could be events, workshops or even hackatons. We are thinking about some activities that go in that direction.

Learn more about the Startup Blueprint program here.
Learn more about the Technoport here.

Photo Credit: LuxVisual

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