Startups, Secure Your Spot With LuxFactory For CES In Las Vegas!

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is just around the corner in January 2019. Luxembourg’s own LuxFactory has secured 100 m2 at what many consider the world’s largest high technology event. In 100m2, LuxFactory has space for 16 of Luxembourg City’s most promising startups. Get your name in the running by sending an email to!

While seats are always highly sought-after, there is time until August 31st to have your go at securing a spot. In terms of startup visibility, the venue can’t be beat. In January 2018, CES welcomed more than 182,000 people and 4,400 exhibitors, of which 900 were startups.

Taking place at the Eureka Pavilion, you won’t find a higher concentration of fully dedicated innovative technologies professionals in the world. Oh, and yeah, there will be about 1000 inspiring speakers.

In addition to the 16 chosen startups will be a powerful Luxembourgish delegation including some of the more well-known personalities in the Grand-Duchy.

Because startups will need to cover booth fees, Luxfactory is planning a way for said startups to obtain partnerships to split the costs.

Interested startups, send and email to or email questions to!

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