Techbikers: A Bike Ride From Luxembourg To Amsterdam

Techbikers brings together the Benelux tech startup community to help children in need by supporting literacy charity Room to Read. Since starting in London in 2012, over 365 entrepreneurs, VCs, and other tech enthusiasts have cycled 1200km to raise over £304K (€358K) for this fantastic charity. Richard Russell – in collaboration with Marco Houwen and The LHoFT’s team – is coordinating the Benelux chapter that will take place from September 1 to 3 this year, and is sharing a more details about the project.
What is the purpose of the TechBikers’ initiative?

To support girls’ education and children’s literacy in Asia and Africa, through our chosen charity, Room to Read; to provide a great networking opportunity for founders, investors, media, executives and other key players in the Benelux tech startup ecosystem; and to have a great bike ride through the Ardennes and Netherlands!

What do you expect from the Benelux edition?

We’ll have 30-40 riders, raise a total of €30,000 EUR, ride for three days covering 370km and 3000m of vertical climb (!). We will build relationships to help develop the Benelux tech startup ecosystem. We expect riders of differing abilities – it’s not a race, so nobody will be left behind, but we’ll cater for riders both fast and slow. We do expect some big hills though, along with some beautiful scenery including the Ardennes, the Meuse, and Dutch canals.

How to join the ride?

As a rider: Go to and sign up. No payment needed yet – once we have enough interest, we’ll select riders to get a good mix of participants, and ask for the fee to be paid. The fee is TBC, but is expected to be under €400, and will cover the hotels, food, luggage transport, guides, and a custom jersey, and more. The rest of the approximately €800 cost of running the event will be covered by corporate sponsorship. You’ll then need to raise at least €500 to help us meet the fundraising target.

As a sponsor or organiser: There are opportunities to sponsor and help organise, please contact for details. Sponsorship opportunities include branding and the opportunity to speak to the riders. You can also help by promoting the event, or helping with fundraising.

3 words to describe this upcoming journey.

Fun, Hard, Worthwhile (work hard, play hard, and mix the two together on TechBikers).

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