Test Yollty Mobile App during Test my App Meetup

Alexandros Trepeklis, pictured, is founder and CEO of Yollty

The Test my App Meetup, organized by Stepping Stone, is back with another session on April 23rd. This time the event will be centered around Yollty and will be hosted by EY.

The aim of Test my App Meetups is to provide entrepreneurs and larger organizations with the feedback they need about their application, from potential users, to deliver the best experience possible. This feedback is collected during the Meetup sessions, which takes place at least once a month. The next one? The 23rd of April 2018.

This time, Yollty has the helm. Yollty has digitized the loyalty card of your favorite retailers, bars, cafés and restaurants. Going beyond the act of collecting points for a free bagel or croissant, the application aims to improve the communication between retailers and shoppers. By digitizing the experience, both sides of the transaction now stand to gain from the data that is generated, because it will lead to better customer service and satisfaction.

“By validating hypotheses and assumptions that we make when building applications, products or services, application owners increase the likelihood of finding issues early on and correcting them before they become show-stoppers.”

Already available in over 60 locations around Luxembourg, with over 5000 users, one could imagine that the business case is validated, and that Alexandros Trepeklis and his team can sit back, relax, and enjoy a cup of (free) coffee… but no. They are taking on the challenge of listening to what their users have to say, as they want to find out how they can make their customer experience even better.

Notes on the Test my App Vision from Stepping Stone

By validating hypotheses and assumptions that we make when building applications, products or services, application owners increase the likelihood of finding issues early on and correcting them before they become show-stoppers. It takes courage and an open mind to expose one’s self to the criticism of the market. The Test my App Meetup team also aims to go beyond a rating on the AppStore, by creating an atmosphere in which creative sharing is possible and encouraged.

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