Test Your Application During Test My App Meetup

Building on the success of the Test my App Meetup, Philip Grother is taking the group to the next level with a corporate partnership.

The aim of the group is to provide entrepreneurs and larger organisations with the feedback they need about their application, from potential users, to deliver the best experience possible. This feedback is collected during the Meetup sessions, which will take place at least once a month starting 26 February 2018.

If you are working on an application, whether you have an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), are in the Beta phase, or already have several version completed, so get in touch with him directly to book your spot. The net result of presenting your application and getting people to test it, will be a comprehensive road-map of what can and needs to be changed or improved.

“Our members are from all walks of life, so if you would like to participate in the next session to give feedback and meet other open minded people, here’s your chance to shape what tomorrow’s successful applications will look like,” concludes Philip Grother.

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