The Best Times to Post on Social Networks

When it comes to digital marketing strategies, any marketer will tell you that you cannot ignore social media advertising. This means sharing interesting content that leads to your online store or website. In other words, you can share your blog posts, pictures of your products, images that display certain results you have achieved, etc.

As far as sharing content on social media goes, one thing you should definitely not do is post it at random time intervals. If you are going to do quality social media marketing, then you should have a good sharing strategy. To put it bluntly, there is a time when your post can be the most impactful, and these time frames are not universal.

Every social network has its own window of opportunity. Moreover, your target audience also plays a crucial role, when deciding on the right time to share your content. Therefore, if you want to truly be effective, there are a lot of elements you must take into a consideration.

Luckily, you won’t have to spend too much time crunching numbers, or conducting experiments for the sake of figuring this out. The people at First Site Guide have already done that for you.

You can go through this cheat sheet in order to discover when to post on social networks. This cheat sheet has taken everything into a consideration: the type of target audience you want to reach out to, the time of day, the day of the week, and it includes all of the major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest).

If you are trying to come up with an efficient social media strategy, definitely check this out.

The Best Times to Post to Social Networks – Cheat Sheet was created by First Site Guide Team.

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