The Office Launches Its E-Coworking Platform

Times are hard for coworking spaces that have made their spaces emblematic of teleworking and warmth between residents. Some can rely on real estate groups with strong financial results, while others, like The Office, have bootstrapped to rent its spaces.
by: Charles-Louis Machuron
photo: Anna Katina
featured: Gosia Kramer

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Gosia Kramer, the iconic founder of The Office’s coworking space network, just announced the launch of its online coworking platform. “We have been working on it for a while, and the timing is “unfortunately” ideal for launch,” she says.

The aim of the platform is to, firstly, bring the community together by publishing daily news, updates and articles written by our members as well as creating collaborative projects. Second, it aims to enable access to remote jobs and projects. “We will invite companies that are looking for support on short term projects to this platform,” Gosia adds.

“When I think of coworking, the first word that comes to my mind is “togetherness”

“I’m convinced that the members of The Office, the “veterans” of remote working, have the potential to act as brilliant project managers for companies who find themselves stuck in this precarious situation. Among our members are some of Luxembourg’s top talent across different fields,” she says.

For the past few days, she has seen an unprecedented level of solidarity among her members. “I’ve offered to lower the rent but surprisingly some suggested I keep it as it is. Some even wanted to pay a year in advance. Can you believe it?”

The platform is free of charge for its members and companies looking for a remote workforce. The platform will evolve to add job offers, webinars, tips, articles, etc. “When I think of coworking, the first word that comes to my mind is “togetherness”. Yet, unexpectedly, we’ve all been separated. I truly miss all my members and can’t wait to see them again…” Gosia Kramer concludes.

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