Thinking Digital: Keeping Pace For A Competitive Future

Digitalization plays a particularly large role in the revival of industries and business activities after the pandemic. Is your digital mindset sufficient to lead your company competitively into the future? Learn how to turn technology into new business at the upcoming EIT Digital Summer Schools.

It is clear that implementing and embracing new and disruptive innovations requires a corresponding mindset. Yet, for many corporate decision-makers, the focus still remains on only short-term vested interests: shareholders must be satisfied, quarterly targets must be met, turnover and profit must at least be kept stable. The usual consequence: cost-intensive and transformative innovation projects are negatively associated and time and again postponed.

Surely many readers are thus familiar with at least one of the following arguments when it comes to innovation in the workplace: “too expensive”, “too risky”, “we’ve always done it that way”. What follows from this is an obsessive adherence to the status quo and outdated KPIs, while innovation potentials are simply pushed away. And yet they are essential for survival.

While in the past the performance of companies was only measured by turnover, very soon it will increasingly be their innovative strength and future orientation. The fact that many companies continue to barely engage with digitalization is thus problematic, says Roberto Prieto, Chief Education Officer at EIT Digital: “Understanding how to turn technology into business is a skill that Europe needs to be competitive. This is why we offer our Summer Schools attendees the chance to master the digital mindset that companies need to acquire in order to be competitive.”

“Any businessperson can attend the summer school. After all, people learn how to use technology for business. In that sense, these are business summer schools.”

EIT Digital mobilizes a pan-European multi-stakeholder ecosystem of European companies, SMEs, start-ups, universities and research institutes, addressing the technology, talent, skills, business and capital needs of digital entrepreneurship. “Any businessperson can attend the summer school. After all, people learn how to use technology for business. In that sense, these are business summer schools”, says Sergio Balassone, head of the EIT Digital Summer School. Each summer school is thematically focused on one of the five priority areas where EIT Digital sees major societal and industrial challenges as well as opportunities for Europe: Digital Industry, Digital Cities, Digital Wellbeing, Digital Tech and Digital Finance.

Are you interested in gaining hands-on experience through company cases, project work and collaboration in one of these areas while networking with like-minded attendees from around the world? Participate online at one of eleven EIT Digital Summer Schools in summer 2021 and sharpen your digital mindset. Silicon Luxembourg got you covered with a generous discount of 45 per cent using the promo code SILICONLUX2021. The deadline for applications is 1 June 2021. The first school opens on 4 July and the last finishes on 14 August.

Companies who want to remain competitive need an entrepreneurial, digital mindset, which does not shy away from innovation. Those that accept this challenge will also be among the successful winners in the future. Attending the EIT Digital Summer Schools can be a great first step in grasping the language of technology and business.

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