Video Retrospect On The Results Of The « Normalisation Technique pour une utilisation fiable dans le domaine “Smart ICT” » Research Program – Part 1: 2017-2020

Since 2017, ILNAS and the University of Luxembourg, via the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), have set up a partnership aimed at bringing the worlds of technical standardization and scientific research closer together.

Image Credits: ILNAS

Through two successive videos, we invite you to discover the results of the first such research program, « Normalisation technique pour une utilisation fiable dans le domaine “Smart ICT” » (2017-2020), and the ambitions of the upcoming one, « Technical Standardisation for Trustworthy ICT, Aerospace, and Construction » (2021-2024).

In the first video, available below (in English, with French subtitles), the team from the University of Luxembourg involved in the 2017-2020 program share their experience and explain how their research work and technical standardization were mutually enhanced .

First, Dr. Matthias Brust, Research associate at the University of Luxembourg, describes the objectives of the 2017-2020 research program and the obtained results. Then, the three PhD candidates in the program – Mr. Nader Samir Labib, Ms. Saharnaz Dilmaghani, and Mr. Chao Liu – respectively involved in the domains of the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, and Cloud Computing, explain the work they have conducted in the context of their thesis topics, and the benefits of their participation in technical standardization.

In collaboration with ILNAS, they notably contributed to the publication of the following documents:

The candidates highlight in particular the considerable interest that contributing to the drafting of normative documents has for their own work, but also for all actors of Luxembourg’s economy.

In a second, upcoming video, Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert, Deputy Director of ILNAS, and Professor Pascal Bouvry, chargé de mission auprès du recteur from the University of Luxembourg, will present the objectives of the new research program, « Technical Standardisation for Trustworthy ICT, Aerospace, and Construction » (2021-2024). Following the success of the first program, the synergy between technical standardization and scientific research must continue, while strategically diversifying its scope.

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This article is brought to you by the ILNAS and reflects only the opinion of the author.
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