What Do Startups Expect from Fit 4 Start Program?

What do startups expect from this program? What was the selection process like? We met Vincent Pedrini, Co-founder of Nomoko, and Mathilde Argaud, Co-founder of Connected Rope, two of the five startups selected for the Spring edition of the Fit for Start program.

What are you hoping to achieve by participating in the Fit4Start program?

V.P.: The Fit for Start program should enable us to launch our R&D activities in Luxembourg, in the field of management and 3D data transfer, and establish the best strategy to get there with the coaches.

M.A.: We expect that the Lean Start-up methodology, as well as the support and coaching, will enable us to boost the development of our startup. In addition to the financial opportunity, it is also the opportunity to be challenged and coached by experts who can help us avoid “beginners’ traps” and give us a greater chance of succeeding. 

What was the selection process like?

V.P.: The selection process implemented by Luxinnovation was quick and clear. The jury was very professional on the “pitching day.”

M.A.: For us, it was the first time we pitched in front of a jury. It was both exciting and stressful. The most memorable moment, even euphoric, was when we got the news of our selection! The time lapse between the shortlist and the pitch was relatively short and we had to work twice as much as usual until the very last minute to give and show the best of our project and our team. 

What is the concept of your startup?

V.P.: Our vision is to model the world in 3D. To do this, we have developed the first compact camera technology with very high resolution (> 1,000 megapixels). With the resolution of our images we surpass human vision to create 3D models inseparable from reality. We focus on application in the fields of virtual – augmented – reality, autonomous cars, maps of cities…

M.A.: Connected Rope is an “original” startup for Luxembourg. Rope is usually the only thing securing your boat and preventing it from damage. Are the ropes still secure when you’re in Luxembourg and your boat is in Knokke? We are creating a link, currently non-existent, between owners and their boats. We are developing a monitoring device that enables the boat owners to check and control their boats whenever they want, wherever they are. Just like a baby monitor, our device removes incertitude.

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