What's going on with the Internet of Things in Luxembourg?

Smart appliances in network. Concept for Internet of Things showing many different connection between device

Although the Internet of Things – where everyday objects are connected / networked so that they can send and receive information, and even cause some types of actions to take place automatically – is not necessarily a new idea now, there is still quite a large portion of the population that is interested in learning more about all the elements and the implications of the IoT on our everyday lives and business. Technoport, in collaboration with StratAffect, will host an Internet of Things Kitchen Table Conversation to demystify the access to the IoT: how certain can we bo of the potential? What can we do to cut through the hype?

We expect that using the KTC structure to discuss the Internet of Things will bring new insight and vibrant understanding of the opportunities and possibilities of this technology.

What is the purpose of the Kitchen Table Conversations?

Kitchen Table Conversations are built upon a solid foundation of social conventions that have roots in almost every culture and every country around the world. They are the perfect vehicle for discussions about complex or difficult topics. The structure of a KTC allows participants to achieve and remain in a state of heightened cooperation where it is easy and safe to explore new concepts, disagree, air differences of opinion, quickly confirm or repudiate assumptions or organizational dogma, and to generate new and innovative ways to look at or resolve a problem.

What do you expect from this event?

We expect that using the KTC structure to discuss the Internet of Things will bring new insight and vibrant understanding of the opportunities and possibilities of this technology.

There are big questions here for everyone. Business leaders and decision makers, are having to consider how quickly they must commit to the Internet of Things or whether to integrate IoT capability into products. For others, it’s critical to assess the magnitude of the changes that the IoT will bring to their value chain and their business model. Getting this right can mean greater competitiveness. Get it wrong and your business might be at risk. For the general public, it’s a good chance to learn about the IoT and to join in the conversation about what challenges and opportunities they see for the end-consumer.

Why did you chose this topic?

We chose this topic because there is so much happening right now in this space. Rick has moderated a series of discussions regarding technology and innovation in Toronto, Canada so this was a great chance to do a similar thing here in Europe. We want to draw on local knowledge and expertise and really build upon what is going on here in Luxembourg. We feel there may be a unique perspective here that will open up further understanding, options and opportunities.

This Technoport event will be particularly thought-provoking to anyone who is interested the Internet of Things, whether they are experts or not that knowledgeable yet. We are hoping to also gain a better understanding of the public impressions of this industry.

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