Where There Is Life, There Is Hope.

Where there is life, there is hope. The challenge we are being asked to overcome is enormous and the collective awareness unprecedented. None of us has been spared, no sector is immune, and no business is unaffected.

They say adversity brings out the best in man. Did we have to be cornered for a surge of generosity and solidarity to take place and for so many gestures of fraternity to be shown? It is clear that there will now be a new B.C. (Before COVID-19) and after. How will we as humanity reinvent ourselves?

Our individualities, egos, and appearances have been blown away by an invisible coughing fit. Constant change is the new normal, and with it touching new behaviours emerge. For you, dear readers, I see a great deal of hope in this period. Hope for a more fraternal familial life, hope for a more equitable social system, hope for a more caring and balanced economic system, and most importantly hope for a better world.

This edito was first published in Silicon Luxembourg magazine (special Covid edition “Hope”). Download now.

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