Words From A Member: Andrea Danielli (Mopso)

Andrea Danielli, Founder & CEO of Mopso, and and Leonardo Longhi, Software Engineer at Mopso (Photo © Silicon Luxembourg/Stephanie Jabardo)

Mopso is a newcomer to the LHoFT. CEO & Founder Andrea Danielli tells us more about the company.

Can you pitch your startup in a few words?

Mopso offers a software platform to improve the anti-money laundering process of any financial institution. With the use of semantic web technologies and web 3.0, it handles all the customers’ checks during the continuous relationship.

Why did you decide to create this company?

As a former anti-money laundering analyst at the Bank of Italy, I realised that AML compliance can be challenging for many financial institutions. Enrico (the other founder) had the right technologies: from here came the idea of creating a platform to improve anti-money laundering controls using artificial intelligence.

What are your product(s)/service(s) and your business model?

Brain assesses risk for FIs and identifies suspicious transactions with semantic web techs. Amlet simplifies onboarding, due diligence and makes data reusable between intermediaries. It checks personal information, creates a standard for the exchange between FIs and uses decentralised digital identity to store data securely.

How is your offering different from your competitors and other market players?

Mopso Brain uses knowledge graphs and AI algorithms to enrich and connect FIs’ data with public dataset, providing a perpetual and automated KYC. With Mopso Amlet, FIs can onboard new customers in just a few seconds, enabling customers to reuse their credentials across multiple FIs and other companies.

Why did you decide to join the LHoFT?

Luxembourg is one of the Eurozone’s leading financial centres and the second largest investment fund centre in the world, and the LHoFT is its beating heart. We are finding here many relevant connections with the fintech scene and Luxembourgish investors.

What’s next?

We are applying for a big R&D project with the LIST to improve our technology and we are discussing with some interesting prospects, mainly about our innovative onboarding solution. Most importantly, we are raising funds to expand our market and further develop our solutions, adding new exciting features.

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