Words From A Member: Mohammad Arrab (Invoport)

Mohammad Arrab, CEO of invoport (Photo © Silicon Luxembourg/Stephanie Jabardo)

Invoport is a newcomer to the LHoFT. CEO Mohammad Arrab tells us more about the company.

Can you pitch your startup in a few words?

We are building an amazing investment administration platform to digitize daily operations of different entities on investment fund structures.

Why did you decide to create this company?

I built invoport as MVP and started making demos to my colleagues who were really impressed. One day, I showed invoport to a colleague on mine who liked it and introduced to his former employer who became our pilot client and we tested invoport on real data. Apparently, it worked for them as well!

What are your product(s)/service(s) and your business model?

Investor services platform that digitizes the interaction with investors for the acceptance and periodic review in addition to all capital related matters such as notices and statements.

Additionally, planning, coordination and monitoring tool that connects different members whether inside or outside the organization.

How is your offering different from your competitors and other market players?

We commit to deliver cost-efficient solution by offering a very attractive billing plans to our clients.

Also, we offer support to them on the migration to our platform with no major cost, enable them contact our support team 24/7, plus training and free trial. More importantly, no hidden cost.

Why did you decide to join the LHoFT?

The LHoFT plays a major role in Luxembourg FinTech Ecosystem, therefore, it is not questionnable why a FinTech startup in Luxembourg should join them. Further, invoport has benefited a lot from the services that the LHoFT offers what the Catapult Kickstarter was the most important one so far.

What’s next?

We will continue the development of our platform to include more functions. We are not only aiming to build a digital workplace for investment funds but also to robotize the platform to require less intervention from the users to deliver their services.

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