Check & Mate Wins The 13th Young Enterprise Project

Check and Mate and YEP winners Channel Felt, Martin Biever and Morgane Santos Coelho (Photo © Young Enterprise Luxembourg)

Check & Mate unveiled a freemium application designed to streamline job searches, addressing a pressing need among students. 

Established in 2005, Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg asbl has been fostering entrepreneurial spirit among young people aged 9 to 25 through educational programs at all levels of schooling. 

The association bridges the gap between education and business by instilling the understanding of self-employment as a viable career option and cultivating a passion for entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, and leadership.

Fostering Innovation Through Education

The YEP is a platform for students that challenges them to collaborate in teams, and develop innovative business plans around novel products or services. 

From idea generation to prototype, from commercial video production to convincing the jury – the students are immersed in the entrepreneurial process under the mentorship of industry professionals. 

Nurturing collaboration

YEP’s success stems from the collaboration between academia and the business world. Each team receives guidance from a coach representing diverse sectors, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas, and expertise. The idea is to expose young students to the challenges of the business world, widen their horizons, and provide valuable insights into the practicalities of execution. 

YEP Final 2024

This year’s competition saw a total of 114 students from 11 different BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur), coming from 7 lycées, ( Atert – Lycée Redange , Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion, Ecole d’Hôtellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg, Lycée Technique d ‘Ettelbruck, Lycée Guillaume Kroll, Lycée des Arts et Métiers et le Lycée Nic Biever Dudelange. 

After fierce competition, ‘Check & Mate’ took home the prestigious award with their innovative job-matching application for students and HORESCA employers. Their project aims to develop a freemium app facilitating job searches for students and assisting HORESCA establishments in finding workers. 

CHECK & MATE, winners of YEP 2024
Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg © Pierre Levy

The app allows students to filter job listings based on their availability and employers to specify their requirements, such as working days, desired hours, and additional conditions.

Meanwhile, “CSpotRentals” and “BrainOn” secured second and third positions, respectively, with their rental platform and user-friendly web solution projects.

Beyond acknowledging outstanding talent and giving them a stage to showcase their skills, YEP also focuses on grooming future leaders at a young age. The association works relentlessly towards inspiring, and preparing young talent to take initiative and nurture their ideas. 

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