The Elevator

Watch out for vertigo!

Silicon Luxembourg presents “The Elevator,” a unique video series that captures the essence of Luxembourg’s vibrant startup ecosystem through the lens of elevator pitches. This video series unfolds in a real elevator situated in Luxembourg City, offering a breathtaking view of the cityscape.

In this dynamic series, entrepreneurs are given just 30 seconds to pitch their companies, showcasing their groundbreaking ideas and innovative solutions. “The Elevator” offers an exhilarating glimpse into the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, where every second counts.

This video series is produced by Silicon Luxembourg, in partnership with RTL Today – broadcasted on RTL Play – and sponsored by Orange Luxembourg and Research Luxembourg (Season 4)

Season 4

EP n°36: Dr. Isabel Rosety, OrganoTherapeutics
EP n°35: Betty Spurgeon, WASDI
The Elevator n°34: Andreas Kremer, IITM
The Elevator n°33: Dr. Antonio Ken Iannillo, WAVY MEET
The Elevator n°32: Franck-Alexandre Sallebant-Bessone, DataThings
The Elevator n°31: Arno Gutleb, Invitrolize
The Elevator n°30: Tomer Libal, ENIDIA AI
The Elevator n°29: Ahmad Gharanjik, Databourg

Season 3

The Elevator n°28: Emma Pardaens, Bëssen Wëssen
The Elevator n°27: Jennifer Olding, The Happy Guts Company
The Elevator n°26: Emmanuel Plattard, The Happy Cyclist
The Elevator n°25: Christophe Timmermans, SolarCleano
The Elevator n°24: Pierre V. Pereira Da Silva, Foozo
The Elevator n°23: Dr. Tahereh Pazouki, Magrid
The Elevator n°22: Guillermo Ortega, Natural Vibes
The Elevator n°21: Dr. Xavier Kohll, Circu Li-ion

Behind the scenes


#TheElevator 🚀🔝 A short BTS video from our recording of our video series The Elevator with Tahereh Pazouki, Ph.D Founder of Magrid Learning Solution 😎 #siliconluxembourg #education #solutions #platform #mathematics #edutech #educationtechnology #luxembourg #videoseries @Orange Lux

♬ Archive – Mayaprod

#TheElevator 🚀 Most of us wear socks 🧦 every day. Why not make them funny, colorful, and meaningful? is improving the fashion industry while reforesting the world. It’s Founder, Guillermo Ortega García, went in The Elevator to explain us how they are doing this 😎 Watch the episode now in our YouTube channel! #siliconluxembourg #elevatorpitch #sustainability #reforastation #ethicalfashion #fashion #fashionindustry #socks #luxembourg #europe

♬ Pump Pump – Snoop Dogg

#theelevator 🚀🛗Watch the full episode of The Elevator on RTL Play and at Silicon Luxembourg YouTube Channel #siliconluxbourg #elevatorpitch #startups #entrepreneurs #sustainability #recycling #luxembourg

♬ Back In Black – AC/DC

Season 2

The Elevator n°20: Caner Dolas, GAMMA AR
The Elevator n°19: Ivo Silva, WeConnect
The Elevator n°18: Angelika Bocian-Jaworska, Äerd Lab
The Elevator n°17: Francesca Pogliani, Deskover
The Elevator n°16: Supriya Sodhi, DogStays
The Elevator n°15: Matteo Ressa, ChefPassport
The Elevator n°14: Patrick Malget,
The Elevator n°13: eLfy Pins, Supermiro
The Elevator n°12: Mattia Raffaelli
The Elevator n°11: Eric Busch,

Season 1

The Elevator n°10: Ilana Devillers, F4A
The Elevator n°9: Mathias Keune, Vizz
The Elevator n°8: Nigel Bergstra, No Big Deal
The Elevator n°7: Jolanta Czuba, Ride More Protection
The Elevator n°6: Filip Westerlund, OUR CHOICE
The Elevator n°5: Marzio F. Schena, ANote Music
The Elevator n°4: Michelle Glorieux, TA-DA! Language
The Elevator n°3: Julia Markhadaeva, to Stories
Episode n°2: Quentin de Madre, Kidola
The Elevator n°1: Tom Michels, Salonkee