LuxProvide Teams Up With ICHEC To Boost European HPC

Arnaud Lambert, CEO of LuxProvide and Jean-Christophe Desplat, Director of ICHEC (© LuxProvide).

Leveraging LuxProvide’s MeluXina supercomputer, LuxProvide and the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) join hands to form a strategic partnership to foster innovation and scientific discovery. 

LuxProvide, a digital intelligence and supercomputing leader, has announced a strategic partnership with the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC).

This alliance aims to bridge the transitional phase as ICHEC decommissions its current platform and establishes a new advanced HPC infrastructure with the support of the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EUROHPC JU). 

LuxProvide centred around Luxembourg’s state-of-the-art supercomputer MeluXina, was selected for this collaboration following a highly competitive EU open tender process.

Leveraging MeluXina for enhanced HPC capabilities

LuxProvide’s MeluXina supercomputer will play a crucial role in ensuring continuity of service for the Irish National HPC Service. The Kay platform, which supported the National HPC Service, ended its 5-year service life in late 2023. 

LuxProvide’s solution provides an interim platform potent stepping stone to EuroHPC (pre-) Exascale platforms, aligning with ICHEC’s strategy for accelerated and data-centric computing. As a result, to bridge the gap until the CASPIr system can be deployed, a temporary solution was required.

“This collaboration with LuxProvide and leveraging MeluXina’s computational power represents a significant milestone for Irish research and innovation. Not only does it ensure continuity of service for the Irish National HPC Service but it also offers access to a state-of-the-art platform which provides both a potent stepping stone to EuroHPC (pre-) Exascale platforms and aligns with our strategy for accelerated and data-centric computing. Additionally, the potential for a mutually beneficial partnership between our two Centres is substantial, promising considerable benefits for researchers in both countries.”

Jean-Christophe Desplat, director. of ICHEC.

This collaboration sets a new benchmark for international cooperation in scientific computing, highlighting the crucial role of HPC in promoting research, innovation, and development throughout Europe.

“This collaboration is proof of our commitment to advancing HPC capabilities across Europe, utilising MeluXina to foster innovation and scientific discovery. Together, we aim to empower the research community, build innovation bridges between our two nations and solidify our leadership in the global scientific arena.”

Arnaud Lambert, CEO of LuxProvide.

Aimed at bringing in significant advancements in high-performance computing (HPC) applications, both teams are excited to leverage the synergies between MeluXina and ICHEC’s innovative strategies. 

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