New Aids For Companies With SME Packages

The Ministry of Middle Classes and the Chambers of Commerce and Crafts are launching three support offers of €5,000 to companies with a sustainable, service and digital project.

On 29 September, Lex Delles, Minister of Middle Classes, Marc Wagener, COO and director of entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce and Tom Wirion, Director General of the Chamber of Crafts presented three business support programs “SME Packages: Sustainability, Service and Digital”.

Offered by the Ministry of the Economy’s Middle Classes Department in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts, the three packages are aimed at small and medium-sized businesses looking to address entrepreneurial challenges, through a sustainable transition, optimising the customer experience and/or launching a digital strategy. 

“In the context of the evolving current energy crisis and its significant economic consequences, small and medium-sized enterprises require support programmes that allow them to strengthen their resilience and adapt to future challenges,” explained the three protagonists. 

The packages fall into three categories:

  • “SME Packages – Sustainability”: companies are individually coached to identify a concrete solution to reduce environmental impact while generating cost savings via reduced energy or water consumption, improved waste management or a reduced carbon footprint.
  • SME Packages – Service”: companies get concrete proposals that can be directly implemented to deliver an unforgettable customer experience, notably through service personalisation and customer journey improvement.
  • SME Packages – Digital”: companies will implement a digital strategy with the help of an expert, while being guided by a consultant in the implementation, especially in the field of digital marketing and electronic invoicing.

The support amounts to €5,000 for projects costing from €6,650 to €25,000. 

Details on the SME Packages can be downloaded here.

The House of Entrepreneurship and its regional offices remain available to inform, guide and connect entrepreneurs.

Companies wishing to have a diagnosis to determine which package best suits their needs can contact the House of Entrepreneurship via [email protected] or +352 42 39 39 850.

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