The two startups won the first call for solutions “Bye Bye Robots” of the challenge organized by the GovTech Lab.
On March 19, the names of the winners of the call for solutions have been unveiled! The challenge had been announced on November 26, 2020 by the Minister Delegate for Digitalization, Marc Hansen.
5 startups (or duo of startups) were selected: Divlint, VIREO & Technology Partner, Ainos & Reborn, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and Gravity Partners.
The day before, the 5 candidates had presented their concept and its functioning during a Demo Day in the House of Startups, as the GovTech Lab does not yet have its own premises.
In front of a jury composed of members of the Ministry of Digitalization, the CTIE, the incubator of and the House of Startups, the respective projects had to meet 4 criteria: quality of the presented prototype, feasibility, time and costs of implementation, IT functioning of the presented prototype, competences of the candidate/teams and quality of the methodology.
The solution developed by Vireo and Technology Partner obtained the highest scores and was therefore selected to perform a proof of concept.
VIREO is specialized in offering salary packages, and Technology Partner in Internet solutions. The group will now have to develop a successful solution over the next few months, which takes into account the comments made by the jury and meets the requirements of accessibility and respect of personal data protection.