Marco Houwen Launches New AI Course 

Marco Houwen, Founder of ZentraGlobal (© Silicon Luxembourg)

While AI is all anyone can talk about today, many still struggle to understand how to best integrate it into their companies. Developed for business leaders and entrepreneurs, Marco Houwen and Michel Wozniak’s course ‘AI: From Threat to Ally’ hopes to support them in this quest.  

Your newest course is called ‘AI: From Threat to Ally’. In what sense do you see AI as a “perceived threat” instead of an actual one?

As much as the steam machine or the industrial robots in the ‘90s were perceived as a threat, AI is also often perceived as a threat that will replace human jobs and creativity. Our course shows how AI can be seen as a tool or assistant that can enhance human abilities rather than replace them.

As much as earlier technological advancements took over repetitive physical work, AI does replace repetitive thinking tasks hence freeing humans to focus on their authenticity, consciousness, self-care, and creativity.

As AI is not sentient and still requires human oversight and input, humans have the unique opportunity to set the intention for how AI tools are used. With the proper mindset focusing on AI as a tool, it can be used to create a more positive future rather than a dystopian one.

Who is this course aimed at? Which industry leaders do you think would benefit the most from it?

This course is aimed primarily at business leaders and entrepreneurs. It covers the effects of AI on businesses, strategies for using AI in organizations, emotional intelligence for managers, and prompt engineering. It focuses mainly on leaders who want to successfully integrate AI into their companies.

Your course emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence and creativity in the AI age. How do you see these as complementary to the development of AI?

Emotional Intelligence skills like authenticity, inspiration, compassion, and creativity are unique human strengths. With AI handling repetitive thinking tasks, humans can focus more on consciousness and creativity. EI helps leaders foster inspired, creative teams to generate innovation AI alone cannot. An AI still needs to be prompted and understand the given context, that is where humans, who understand the potency of their Authentic Intelligence, will excel.

What are the main differences between the two course packages offered?

There is the “e-Learning training only” package where the user is fully autonomous and there is a second package including the training plus access to 3 one hour live Q&A group sessions held monthly (only in English) with Marco and Michel.
To enroll or learn more about the course, see here.

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