“Zesumme Vereinfachen” – Let’s Simplify Together: A Great Way To Get Involved

The Luxembourg government is committed to increasing citizen participation in the administrative simplification processes. To this end, it has launched a participatory platform that allows citizens to share their ideas and feedback on digital services.

The platform is open to all residents and commuters, regardless of their age, nationality, or background. To participate, simply create an account and join the discussion on any of the topics that interest you. You can post comments, make suggestions, and vote on the contributions of others.

The participatory platform can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Improving existing digital public services: The government can use the platform to gather feedback on existing digital public services and to identify areas for improvement.
  • Developing new digital public services: The government can use the platform to gather ideas for new digital public services and to develop prototypes of these services. This helps to ensure that the new services are aligned with the needs and expectations of the citizens.

There are many benefits to using the participatory platform, including:

  • Your voice matters: The platform provides a direct channel for citizens to share their ideas and feedback with the government. This is important because it ensures that the government is accountable to its citizens.
  • Be informed: The platform is a great way to stay informed about the latest government initiatives and to learn more about the digital public services that are available to you.
  • Make a difference: The government uses the feedback collected on the platform to inform its decision-making process. This means that your voice can make a real difference in the development of digital public policies and services in Luxembourg.

To get involved, simply visit www.zesumme-vereinfachen.lu and create an account. Once you have created an account, you can start participating in the discussions on any of the topics that interest you. You can post comments, ask questions, and vote on the contributions of others.

Visit the platform and start sharing your suggestions and feedback!

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